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Investing in your health is important – it’s one of the best ways you can spend your time and money. Looking after yourself is key and therapy can help you to do that.

Therapy is known for how it transforms lives and changes the way you think, moulding you into a better person. But is it worth the price tag that comes with it? In today’s blog, we will take a look into the benefits of therapy and what makes therapy worth the cost.


Who Needs Therapy?

Anyone can attend therapy, and you don’t necessarily need a mental health problem to reap the benefits of therapy to better your mental health. You can attend therapy for personal growth and to develop stronger self-awareness, to become a better person.

However, therapy is commonly used for those suffering from mental health disorders and addictions. Therapy can help you build a positive relationship with yourself, teaching you healthy coping skills and ways to manage your mental health. It can be helpful if you simply need somebody to talk to – even if you don’t know what to talk about in therapy! 

So to summarise, anybody who wants to improve their mental and emotional well-being can benefit from therapy, whether they have an addiction or mental illness or not.  


Does Therapy Work?

Around 75% of people who attend psychotherapy for their mental health have shown an improvement in their mental well-being.

Studies have shown that yes – therapy does work, and those who use therapy have improved mental health. However, therapy only works if you put the effort into making it work.

Choosing the right therapist who can understand your emotions, trying out the techniques that they suggest and being open and honest about whether the techniques work with you or not, can all determine what you’ll get out of therapy.

Your mental health won’t improve overnight – it can take a few sessions before you start to feel the benefits, but be sure to stay on track and trust your therapist throughout the process.


How Do I Know If My Therapy Is Working?

You will start to notice the symptoms that brought you to therapy decreasing and becoming more manageable, as you begin to feel more in control of your emotions.

As you get to know your therapist more, you begin to feel more comfortable expressing your emotions and being open and honest with how you feel. You start to feel happier and more satisfied with your life and each day feels easier.

To track how you are improving with therapy, you should regularly self-reflect, or journal, so that you can look back on how much you have improved.


How Much Does Therapy Cost? 

Private therapy can cost anywhere between £30 to over £100 per session depending on the therapist and your area. The cost can also depend on the type of therapy, and whether it is face-to-face or remote. 

Sessions will usually last 45 minutes to an hour and it is recommended that you attend sessions regularly in order to stay on track with your journey and receive the help that you need.


Type of Therapy Average Cost Per Session
Counselling £80 – £140
CBT £120 – £200
Online Therapy £80 – £100
Group Therapy £90


What Makes Therapy Worth the Cost?

You can’t put a price tag on your health, and there are so many benefits to therapy that make it worth the cost. Regular therapy sessions have been proven to boost your mental well-being, but what are some of the other benefits of therapy?


Safe Space

Therapy is non-judgemental and a safe space for you to get professional support and guidance on your struggles. A mental health professional will support you through your mental health struggles, working closely with you to find techniques that will help you to cope in the long run.


Reduces Stress

Regular therapy sessions will help you to manage your emotions in your daily life, leading to reduced stress levels and overall better mental health.


Learn Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Sometimes people with mental health challenges find unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drugs or alcohol to cope with the way that they feel. Therapy can help to implement healthier strategies to cope with your mental health.


Personal Growth

Therapy can help to motivate you towards reaching your goals. When you work on yourself and become a better version of yourself, you put more time into yourself to reach life goals – which helps you to grow as a person.


Therapy for Addiction

If you are battling an addiction, part of your recovery is to identify the root cause of the problem. It is common for those who have experienced childhood trauma, or a poor history of mental health to turn to addiction to cope with their symptoms.

Identifying the root cause of your problem will help you to heal from whatever caused your addiction in the first place. If you don’t heal from whatever is causing your addiction, you may be more likely to relapse and continue the cycle of addiction.


Therapy With Rehubs

Here at Rehubs, we offer 1-1 counselling and group therapy, where you can seek therapy from the comfort of your own home with access to your support network at the click of a button! 

Our group therapy will help you to feel less alone on your journey, and give you the chance to be around people who may be experiencing the same situation as you – helping you relate to others. You can share different coping techniques with each other and help each other to stay on track holding each other accountable.

We will help you to build healthy habits and implement healthy habits into your routine – habits that you will be able to keep up with. It is not a quick fix, it is a lifestyle change – and building healthy habits can help you reach your goals more effectively.

Our service costs just £2795 for 28 days. This includes your rehab programme alongside therapy treatment, and aftercare, where you can stay in touch with us.

So, if you are ready to become the best version of yourself and change your life, complete your free consultation form and a member of our team will be in touch!

Nicholas Conn

Founder & CEO


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If you are ready to take the first step towards lasting recovery, join Rehubs today and begin your journey of healing, growth, and transformation.

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