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Cocaine has been glamorised for decades, with celebrities pictured having fun under the influence, and movies showcasing cocaine use. What they don’t show is the negative impact prolonged cocaine use can have on a person. 

The damage it causes to your internal organs, relationships, and personality. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The change starts with you.

Over time, cocaine use can swiftly spiral into an addiction. Sometimes it can be difficult to recognise when it has become a problem – but once you are ready to seek help, there are options available to you and specialists who are there to help you.

So, let’s identify the symptoms and side effects you may be experiencing with addiction and get you the help that you need.


Identifying Addiction

Indulging in cocaine use casually is how it escalates into a compulsive habit. Here are some things you should look out for:

Increased Tolerance

After using cocaine frequently, you may find yourself having to take larger dosages to have the desired effects. 

This is because you have developed a tolerance to the drug. This can lead to more cravings and potential overdose.

If you find yourself needing more of the drugs, you should reach out and get help.

Change in Behaviour

After using cocaine frequently, you may find yourself lying about using the drug and being secretive.

You may act defensive and agitated when questioned about how much you are using.

Relationships with family and friends may become tarnished as you could detach yourself and act negatively towards them due to withdrawal symptoms.


Cocaine use is an expensive habit and abusing the drug every day can land you in some financial difficulties.

If you find yourself prioritising buying the drug over other necessities, then it is time to seek help and start your journey to recovery.


Symptoms of Addiction

Cocaine addiction comes with many different physical, psychological, and social symptoms.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, you may want to consider a free consultation here at Rehubs.

We can help you to identify the severity of your addiction and we will be with you every step of the way. 

Physical Symptoms

  • High body temperature
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Insomnia 
  • Rapid and irregular heartbeat

Psychological Symptoms

  • Hallucinations 
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Paranoia 
  • Memory loss and confusion 

Social symptoms 

  • Dishonesty 
  • Reckless behaviour
  • Attempting to borrow or steal money


Cocaine Withdrawal and Side Effects

Once you are addicted to cocaine, you may start to experience certain withdrawal side effects whilst not using the drug. This can lead to you using the drug more to avoid these side effects.

That’s why it’s important to reach out to a specialist – so they can help you manage these withdrawal symptoms! 

Some common withdrawal symptoms you may experience include:

  • Tremors
  • Chills
  • Muscle aches 
  • Irritability 
  • Cocaine cravings 


When to Seek Professional Help for Cocaine Addiction

If you are struggling to control your cocaine use, you should reach out to people you trust, as well as an addiction professional, and talk about what is going on. 

You should always remember that addiction is an illness and not your fault. It is not something you should feel ashamed of, and being willing to get help for your addiction is brave and a great start.

It is always a good time to seek help for addiction, whether you have just started to take cocaine frequently or you have been fighting addiction for a while. There is always time to change your life around and recover.


What Is At-Home Rehab?

Here at Rehubs, we help you to combat your addiction from the comfort of your own home with just the same effect as traditional inpatient rehab.

We offer daily group sessions and one-to-one counselling so that you can stay on track with your recovery journey and access it at the click of a button.

Why Choose at Home Rehab?

If you have a busy schedule and commitments you may be put off by inpatient rehab where you spend weeks at a time in a centre. That’s why we have created this at-home rehab option.

With at-home rehab, you can access rehab at a time that suits you, and communicate with others in support groups to help guide and motivate each other throughout recovery.

You will be taught relapse prevention techniques and coping strategies to help you get through the difficult days. You can heal, grow and become the best version of yourself that you can be with Rehubs.


Start Your Journey With Rehubs Today

Traditional rehab isn’t the only option – explore our modern take on rehab so that you can enjoy all the perks of sober life whilst recovering from your addiction from home! 

We understand that starting recovery is a big and difficult step, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We are here to help you. 

With 218 out of 269 people saying they have maintained abstinence after leaving our program, we can help you to also maintain abstinence and get back on track with your life free of addiction. 

Start your journey today and take the steps towards a longer healthier and happier life.

Nicholas Conn

Founder & CEO


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If you are ready to take the first step towards lasting recovery, join Rehubs today and begin your journey of healing, growth, and transformation.

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