Binge Drinking Therapy

At Rehubs, we can help you build better habits and stop binge drinking for good. Our online rehab program is designed to help you achieve emotional wellness, personal growth and lasting sobriety.

At Rehubs, we can help you build better habits and stop binge drinking for good. Our online rehab program is designed to help you achieve emotional wellness, personal growth and lasting sobriety. 

We understand that binge drinking can be difficult to overcome. However, you’ve made an important first step. You’re here, researching binge drinking and the best treatments available. 

It’s important that you nip binge drinking in the bud before the problem gets worse. If you don’t seek treatment, binge drinking can quickly turn into alcohol dependence, affecting your physical health, relationships, your mental health - pretty much all aspects of your life. 

We are here to help you prevent this, and get your drinking under control. Take the first step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life through our online rehab services. 

Our compassionate team is ready to support you on your journey to recovery, providing the guidance and resources you need to overcome binge drinking and regain control of your well-being for good. 

Do I Have a Binge Drinking Problem?

Are you or someone you know struggling with binge drinking? You're not alone. At Rehubs, we understand the challenges of heavy drinking and the impact it can have on your life. But here's the good news: recovery is possible, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

Binge drinking is more than just having a few drinks with friends - it's a pattern of drinking that brings your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. For most people, this happens after about 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for men in about 2 hours.

Some signs of binge drinking include: 

  • Drinking a lot of alcohol in a short period of time 
  • Lack of control over your drinking once you start 
  • Inability to remember events/ blacking out
  • Erratic behaviour, mood swings, and impaired judgment
  • Taking more risks than usual (such as drink-driving)
  • Experiencing severe hangovers 

If you think you have a drinking problem, you’re in the right place! Our online rehab program could be just what you need to get your drinking under control and get your life back on track. 

Is Binge Drinking So Bad? 

So, is binge drinking so bad? Why should you quit drinking heavily? Well, binge drinking can lead to serious health problems, and can quickly develop into alcohol use disorder. 

From alcohol poisoning to long-term physical and mental health issues, the effects of heavy drinking can take a toll on your well-being. Let’s explore the short and long-term effects of binge drinking … 

In the short term, binge drinking can lead to impaired judgment, blackouts, and risky behaviour. You might find yourself making decisions you wouldn't normally make or putting yourself in dangerous situations. Plus, the morning after a binge drinking session can leave you feeling terrible - hello, hangover!

Over time, frequent binge drinking can contribute to liver damage, heart disease, and mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. It's not just about the immediate consequences - it's about taking care of your future self and making choices that support your overall well-being.

For young adults especially, binge drinking is extremely common. It's far too easy to get caught up in the party scene and underestimate the impact of excessive alcohol intake. But the truth is, binge drinking isn’t worth it. If you’re struggling to control your drinking habits, we’re here to help you turn over a new leaf!

How Can We Help You Overcome Binge Drinking? 

From virtual therapy sessions to online support groups, our programs are designed to fit into your busy schedule. Whether you're looking for one-on-one counselling or a community of like-minded individuals, we have options to suit your preferences and needs.

At Rehubs, we offer you compassionate and personalised support. Trust our evidence-based programs to meet your unique needs, whether you’re a binge drinker struggling to cut back or you have more severe alcohol dependence.

Traditional rehab may not be accessible or convenient for everyone. That's why we've created a digital platform that brings the support and resources you need right to your fingertips. With Rehubs, you can break free from addiction and embrace lasting recovery - all from the comfort of your own space!

Support That Meets Your Unique Needs

One size does not fit all when it comes to recovery… which is why we offer personalised support in our intensive 28-day rehab program. We will work with you to create a customised treatment plan that addresses your unique challenges and goals. Let us get to the bottom of your addiction and help you make positive lasting changes. 

Accessible and Effective Treatment 

Everyone deserves access to quality addiction treatment, regardless of their financial situation or geographical location. That's why we've made our rehab affordable and accessible. With Rehubs, you can get the help you need without breaking the bank or leaving your home.

While 28 days of residential rehab can cost anything from £8,000 to over £30,000, our online rehab program costs a fraction of this. Our rehab program costs just £2,795.

Recovery is stronger together. When you join Rehubs, you become part of a positive online community of individuals who understand what you're going through. Share your experiences, offer support, and connect with others who are on the same path to recovery!

Are You Ready to Take Control Over Your Drinking?

You’ve made it this far, which means you’re ready to take the next step. With Rehubs, taking this step is easier than ever. You can do so from the comfort of your own home. 

For many, getting sober isn’t the hard part - it’s staying sober. This is why we offer ongoing support after you have completed our rehab program. Expect aftercare and family support for up to a year after completing our intensive 28-day online alcohol treatment plan. 

So, if you're ready to break free from binge drinking and take control of your life, Rehubs is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and take the first step toward a healthier, happier future. You don't have to face addiction alone - we are here for you; each milestone, each setback, we’ll be by your side.