Gambling Addiction Therapy

At Rehubs, we offer a kind, supportive and understanding gambling addiction therapy process to treat your or a loved one's gambling addiction that focuses on your well-being. Explore our online gambling addiction treatment and rehab program today to start your gambling-free life.

Gambling Addiction | Intensive Online Rehab

Are you a problem gambler (compulsive gambler)? Gambling can not only destroy your finances, but it can also play a vital role in destroying your life and those around you. If you think your gambling has gotten out of control, you're in the right place! At Rehubs, our online support network can help you beat your gambling addiction for good - regaining control of your life. 

Our online gambling addiction therapy provides both the convenience and effectiveness that traditional rehab often lacks, namely, understanding. Breaking free from the grips of compulsive gambling isn't easy - but you don't need to do it alone! 

Is My Gambling a Problem?

Problem gambling, also known as compulsive gambling, can impact your mental health, strain relationships with loved ones, and even affect your physical well-being. Not to mention the mental health issues that can come from this horrific addiction.

If you find yourself preoccupied with gambling, chasing losses, borrowing excessive amounts of money from loved ones, or spending excessive amounts of money on gambling activities, you may be struggling with a gambling disorder.

Here are some of the key signs you may have a gambling problem:

You worry about your in-person or online gambling habits

You lie to your friends and family about your gambling

You borrow or steal money to gamble

You’re experiencing bankruptcy/ legal problems

You spend most of your time on gambling sites or in betting shops

You use gambling to deal with unpleasant feelings

You gamble even if it is damaging your finances or if you can’t afford to

Your gambling habits are affecting your responsibilities

So, have you found yourself unable to stop gambling, even when you desperately want to? Do you constantly chase losses, convinced that the next bet will be the big win that sets everything right? Are you neglecting your responsibilities, relationships, or your own well-being due to your gambling habits? 

If the answer is yes, then your gambling is a problem. The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to address it! Let us help you kickstart your new gambling-free life in a kind, understanding therapeutic environment.  

Your Journey to Recovery Starts Here

No matter how overwhelming your gambling addiction may seem, there is always hope for recovery. Our comprehensive treatment and support services are designed to address the underlying causes of your gambling disorder and equip you with the tools and strategies you need to regain control of your life. Your journey starts here, today.

Personalised Support Every Step of the Way

One size does not fit all when it comes to addiction recovery. Your recovery journey is personal to you, which is why we will work closely with you to develop a personalised treatment plan that meets your specific needs and goals. We're here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to succeed and make a lasting recovery. 

This isn’t something you have to face alone. We combine group therapy with one-to-one therapy. Our group therapy sessions can connect you with others on a similar journey. This can make you feel less alone throughout your recovery, and encourage a sense of community. 

During one-to-one counselling, our professional psychotherapists will help you address the potential root causes of your addiction, focusing on personal growth. These sessions can be your safe space to heal, grow, and reflect.

We combine evidence-based therapies with resources and practical exercises to give you the best chance of overcoming your addiction to gambling. Trust our professional therapists to empower you with the skills, tools and resources you need to make a full recovery and regain control! 

Supporting You - And Your Family Members!

Gambling doesn’t just affect you; it can take its toll on your loved ones too. This is why we offer support services for family members and friends who may have been affected by your addiction. 

With Rehubs, you can make the most of one whole year of family support as part of our comprehensive aftercare treatment service. We don’t just leave you to fend for yourself when you finish the initial 28-day program; we want to make sure you make lasting changes and are fully supported as you recover.  

So, if you or your loved one is experiencing gambling-related harm, Rehubs is the perfect solution. 

Accessible, Affordable, and Effective Support

If you don’t have time for residential treatment or can’t afford a 28-day stay in an inpatient clinic, we provide the perfect solution. Everyone deserves a chance at recovery, whatever your financial situation or wherever you’re located.  

With Rehubs, you can recover from gambling addiction from your own space. After all, if you want to change an addictive behaviour, you need to change it in the context in which it happens!

Flick the switch to start recovery:

Are you ready to get your gambling under control, for good? Recovery from gambling addiction is possible, and we're here to support you every step of the way. 

With our evidence-based program and personalised support, you can break free from the cycle of compulsive gambling and embrace a life of lasting recovery. Take the first step towards a brighter future today.